
TEXFOR is the main textile association in Spain, with around 300 members. It represents the interest of the textile sector at regional, national and international level. With an attitude oriented towards competitiveness, providing specific solutions for textile companies to develop in a global and competitive market.
TEXFOR has extensive training experience, as it worked closely with the Regional Education Department of Spain to develop the contents of the first regulated vocational training certificate in textiles.

ACCIÓ is the agency created by the Catalan Government to make the Catalan company more competitive worldwide. Its main objectives are to boost innovation, internationalization and attract foreign investment.
ACCIÓ is centered on the company, working on the needs of each business individually and working together to seek opportunities and achieve that important competitive advantage. At ACCIÓ we believe that this advantage can arise from working in three vital areas of competitive dynamics: * innovation * internationalization * attraction of investment

Icam is a group of engineering schools with sites in France, India, Brazil, Ecuador, Cameroon and Central Africa (12 sites in total). For more than 100 years, this institution, originally founded in Lille, has been training engineers with the constant concern of making them responsible towards society.
Since its creation by industrialists from the North of France, the Icam has maintained strong links with companies, notably through its Service to Business Department. This department offers companies, SMEs, ETIs and large groups, a wide range of services in various fields of expertise (automation, electronics, energy, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, computer science, materials, mechanics, robotic, digitalization…):
- Engineering services: Innovation (products and processes), Methods & Industrial Organization, Information Systems, Management and Human Sciences.
- Audit & Consulting on the possibilities of financing industrial services: access to the CIR, CII, financing others …
Finally, Icam is also developing an important research activity, in particular around areas of research 3 “Societal and technological transition of companies”. Research projects related to this areas of research are organized around two areas: “Factory 4.0” and “Ethics, Technology and Governance”. The projects aim not only to imagine innovative solutions for tomorrow’s industrial production, but also to bring rich and constructive elements on Human role in this Factory 4.0.

CITEVE is a Technological Center, a private non-profit organization, based in Vila Nova de Famalicão and with commercial delegations in Brazil, Tunisia, Argentina, Pakistan, Chile and Mexico, which provides companies in the Textile and Clothing Sector, mainly SMEs (90 %), a portfolio of services that includes laboratory tests, product certification, technical and technological consultancy, R & D + innovation, training, and fashion and design.
As a reference organization in the national and European scene, in terms of promoting innovation and development of the Textile and Clothing Industry, CITEVE’s mission is to support the development of technical and technological capacities in the textile and clothing industries, through the promotion and diffusion of innovation, promotion of quality improvement and instrumental support for the definition of industrial policies for the sector.

The Textile Industry Research Association – AITEX, is a private research association that conducts characterization and certification tests on textile materials and articles for a wide range of sectors, including interior design, fashion, workwear, health, sport and leisure, land and sea transport, aerospace and sports surfaces.
AITEX’s main objective is to create and transfer knowledge about textiles to the private sector, making the textile industry more competitive and opening doors to new opportunities with a high added value factor. The Institute promotes the modernization and introduction of emerging technologies through its ongoing R&D activities and other projects that contribute to the evolution of the textile industry, and issues the most appropriate product certifications to allow an article to compete in the market international market and facilitate its introduction into cutting-edge market niches.

Promoting the City Council of Vila Nova de Famalicão´s mission as a facilitator of entrepreneurship, Famalicão Made IN aims to boost the economic performance of the city, which enjoys the status of the largest exporter in the North region and the third largest in Portugal. Its specifics aims are to value and to promote entrepreneurial genetics, to attract new investments and to help business owners and entrepreneurs with the development of projects.

The Union des Industries Textile Sud (UIT Sud) brings together and represents companies in the textile industry in the South-West (Occitanie and Nouvell e Aquitaine). It acts as a spokesperson for companies with public, regional and state authorities, to defend the interests of the profession, to coordinate an entrepreneurial development network at the service of business leaders and their teams, to inform businesses of professional news of all kinds, to stimulate collective and individual projects to boost the regional textile industry.

The Northern Regional Development and Coordination Commission (CCDR-N) is a service of the direct administration of the State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy, whose direction is exercised by the Minister for Territorial Cohesion, in coordination with the Minister for Modernization of the State and Public Administration, in matters relating to local authorities, and with the Minister for the Environment and Climate Action, in matters of environment and spatial planning. This public institution aims at the integrated and sustainable development of the North of Portugal, contributing to the competitiveness and cohesion of the national territory.

The Department of Innovation and New Technologies of Alcoy City Council is responsible for:
Promote the city as the headquarters and origin of companies related to innovation and new technologies, in order to generate employment.
Facilitate participation and collaboration with all the agents in the municipality who are involved in innovation.
Disseminate creativity and innovation for the management of municipal public bodies, entrepreneurs and companies, as well as the management and administration of spaces for the promotion of companies and innovative activities and the use of new technologies.